Israel: Common Questions

Most people considering a trip to Israel for the first time have a common set of questions. I’ll do my best to cover them here. If I don’t address something you’d like to know about, please let me know. If I don’t have an answer, I’ll track one down as quickly as possibe.

1. Is this Trip for Me?

If you are only interested in sightseeing, taking pictures, and shopping, then this trip is not for you.  We do that, of course.  But we do so much more!  If you want to be a pilgrim and grow in your faith, deepen your knowledge of the Bible, and stretch yourself in wonderful ways, this is your time.  We go as pilgrims on a journey to discover more and more about the work and life and impact of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Video Journey from Our 2017 Pilgrimage

2. What if I don’t know the Bible or its stories?

Well, that’s the point of this trip!  Everyone is at a different place on her/his spiritual journey, and everyone needs help understanding the Bible better.  Many people know about the Bible but they don’t know the Bible in detail.  On this trip you will never feel embarrassed about what you might not know.  But, I can guarantee you will come home knowing far more than you did going over!

3. What do you actually do on the tour?

Most who know me know my passion for teaching the Bible.  I love to witness the “aha” moments when someone really “gets it.”  I’ve designed this trip to be an endless stream of aha moments.

We will spend our time at the sites placing them in context of the overall story of our faith–asking, “How can this experience deepen my convictions and make me a more resilient person? How can being here help me live out my faith back home?”  The full details of our trip are too lengthy for this post. You can download everything here:

4. It is boring and overly serious?

It will be impossible to go on this trip and not have fun.  We are in the land to learn and grow as believers in Christ, but there is a sense of joy and laughter throughout the trip.  Our bus becomes our home, and we all become part of a great community of pilgrims.  We eat together.  We worship together.  We share our thoughts and prayers together.  We see and touch our faith together.

5. What about the security issues?  

I would have never brought my wife back if I thought it was unsafe.  Our guides are in constant contact with the Israeli officials, and we have complete control over the bus.  Biblical Journeys (our agents in the US) are extremely attentive as well.

On my second trip, we asked an Israeli if he wanted to visit the US.  His answer: “Why would I?  It’s so dangerous over there.  You can’t even go to the movies without getting shot at.  I’m safer here.”

One additional consideration regarding safety: Israel’s primary source of national revenue is tourism.  They have a vested interest in your safety.  The Israeli National Police force maintain an active presence.  In my opinion, Israel is one of the most peaceful countries I’ve been to.

6. How can I prepare for the trip? 

Two things: walk and read.  We don’t climb mountains, but we do walk a lot.  If you’re not used to walking throughout the day, I suggest you start a walking regimen right away.  After you sign up for the trip, I will send you a reading list.  It is not arduous, but there are books and articles you can read ahead of time to enhance your experience.

7. What is included in the price? 

Everything except for lunch.  Taxes, tips, entrances, guides, our touring coach/bus (new and modern), admissions, dinners, breakfasts, hotels, air fare, and landing fees.  You will want to bring money for incidentals and drinks.  Aside from souvenirs and other things you decide are needed, the price is all-inclusive.  Israel is full of working ATMs, and most places take US currency.

Biblical Journeys logo
8. How do I sign up?  

The entire “business end” of our trip is handled by Biblical Journeys.  They’re a well-established, highly respected travel agency with solid relationships throughout Israel.  They manage all of our bookings.  The buttons below provide additional information.

If you have further questions, I’d be happy to answer them.  Please use the form below to conatct me.  If there is any way for you to be on this trip, please sign up now!  You will be glad you did.

At Your Side,
– ch mesaeh

Submit a Question about the Trip

Note: The Air Force views this trip as an official duty in my role as a military chaplain.  This trip does not generate any income for me.  The full amount you pay goes directly to funding the trip.  Any group subsidies and/or discounts (if applicable) would go directly back to the Travel Agency, creating the possibility for a modest refund to the individual traveler.

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