Justification, put plainly, is about the nature of God’s gift of righteousness; it is the divine act of declaring a sinner righteous through faith in Christ. This discussion seeks to understand the nature of being made right with God.
Defining Justification: Justification refers to the theological perspective that through faith in Christ, believers are declared righteous before God. It emphasizes that this righteousness is a gift of grace, not earned by human efforts, and it forms the foundation of a restored relationship with God.
Theological Insights
- Gift of Righteousness: Justification highlights that the righteousness needed for salvation is imputed to believers as a gracious gift from God. It is not based on personal merit but on Christ’s finished work.
- Restored Relationship: Justification signifies the reconciliation of humanity with God. Believers are no longer condemned but are now in a restored, loving relationship with their Creator.
Historical Theology
Martin Luther (1483–1546): “Faith is a living, bold trust in God’s grace, so certain of God’s favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it.”
John Wesley (1703–1791): “I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine.”
Contemporary Theology
John Piper (b. 1946): “The doctrine of justification by faith alone in Christ alone is the bedrock of the gospel. It is the most important message that anyone can ever hear.”
Timothy Keller (b. 1950): “Justification is not only a declaration that we are in the right, but it is also a promise that we will be kept safe and will be able to stand in the end.”
Practical Applications
- Gratitude and Assurance: Approach the concept of justification with gratitude, knowing that your righteousness before God is solely by His grace. Rest in the assurance that your standing is secure in Christ.
- Reliance on Christ: Embrace the truth that justification is solely through faith in Christ’s work. Let go of self-reliance and trust in His finished work on the cross.
- Transformed Life: Live out the reality of justification by allowing the gift of righteousness to shape your actions, relationships, and choices.
In embracing the concept of justification, we find ourselves invited into a deeper understanding of our new identity—an invitation to approach God with confidence, live with the assurance of His love, and share the transformative message of justification with a world in need of redemption.Â