Our Dying Bodies and the Resurrection Hope
Grass is one metaphor used in the Bible to describe the status of Adam’s descendants. “All people are like grass, and all …
Grass is one metaphor used in the Bible to describe the status of Adam’s descendants. “All people are like grass, and all …
How can we live in a way that people will say good things about us when we’re gone?
Sometimes, you can do all the right things and still get hurt. Or sick. Or fired. Or divorced. What’s up with that?
What keeps us up at night? Where does our pain come from? Am I the only one who gets anxious about my …
Every generation convinces itself they’re the one. “Evolution peaked with us! We’re going to solve the world’s problems, so mortality doesn’t apply …
If everything under the sun feels meaningless, why not try things from a different perspective?—–This clip is taken from Part 1 of …