Theology 101 serves as an introduction to essential theological concepts. Through the incorporation of scriptural references, historical and modern theological perspectives, and insights into practical application, this series aims to render these truths easily understandable and applicable.
A Perfect Service: Contemplating Angels and Heavenly Servants
The theme of angels holds a significant place in various religious traditions, including Christianity. In…
Communicatio Idiomatum: Discovering the Mystery of the Divine-Human Union
The concept of communicatio idiomatum, or the communication of attributes, speaks to the profound union…
Common Grace: Understanding God’s Universal Goodness
Common grace is a concept that underpins God’s universal kidness towards all of creation. Common…
He Has Spoken: Unpacking the Doctrine of Scripture
The doctrine of Scripture, often referred to as the doctrine of the Bible or the…
Comprehensive Depravity: Analyzing the Depths of Humanity’s Brokenness and Divine Redemption
Comprehensive depravity takes a look at humanity’s fallen state and God’s redeeming grace. This truth…
The Ineffable Majesty: Exploring the Unutterable Attributes of God
The incommunicable attributes of God speak to the divine nature that transcends human comprehension. Within…
Justification: Embracing God’s Gift of Righteousness and Redemption
Justification, put plainly, is about the nature of God’s gift of righteousness; it is the…
Defining the Economic and Immanent Trinity
The economic and immanent Trinity is a theological concept that distinguishes between God’s internal relationships…
Compatibilism: Fusing Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom
The theme of compatibilism discusses the interplay between God’s sovereignty and human freedom and guides…
The Death of Death: The Assurance of the Resurrection
The theme of the resurrection stands as a cornerstone of Christian faith, representing the ultimate…
He is Coming Back: The Hope of the Parousia
The theme of the Parousia, often referred to as the Second Coming of Christ, stands…
Divine Mystery: Investigating the Unfathomable Depths of God’s Nature
Divine mystery invites us to explore the vast and unsearchable nature of God. Mystery affirms…
The Eternal Generation of the Son: Unveiling the Inner Life of God
The theme of the eternal generation of the Son explores the mystery of the eternal…
Double Imputation: The Divine Exchange of Grace and Salvation
The theme of double imputation touches on the transformative exchange of Christ’s righteousness for our…
Perichoresis: Divine Dance of Unity and Love
Perichoresis, an intricate theological theme, unveils the dynamic relationship within the Holy Trinity—a divine dance…
Kenosis: The Embrace of Self-Emptying Love
Kenosis, a profound theological concept, looks at the self-emptying love of Christ as depicted in…
Theosis: Transformed in the Image of God
Theosis invites us into the transformative journey of becoming more like God. Rooted in the…
Taxis in the Trinity: Divine Order and Mutual Love
Taxis, a theological concept rooted in the Greek word for “order” or “arrangement,” is profoundly…
Penal Substitution: The Ultimate Act of Love and Justice
Penal substitution, a foundational theological concept, shines a spotlight on the intersection of God’s love…
Divine Immutability: The Unwavering Foundation of Faith and Hope
The theme of divine immutability casts a luminous spotlight on the unchanging nature of God—a…
God’s Infinitude: A Reflection on the Boundless Nature of the Divine
The concept of God’s infinitude speaks to the limitlessness of God’s nature and our finite…
The Hypostatic Union: Thinking on the Divine-Human Nature of Christ
The theological marvel of the hypostatic union unveils the mystery of Christ’s dual nature—fully God…
The Transcendence and Immanence of God: Examining the Depths of Divine Presence
The dual facets of God’s transcendence and immanence point to a God who is both…
The Theologia Crucis: Navigating the Depths of Divine Wisdom Through the Cross
The theologia crucis, or theology of the cross, serves as a transformative theological lens that…
Eternal Punishment: Reflecting on Divine Justice and the Human Response
The unpopular concept of eternal punishment stirs contemplation about the complexities of divine justice, human…
The Freedom of God: Exploring Divine Sovereignty Beyond Human Comprehension
The concept of the freedom of God opens a doorway into the realm of divine…
A Rejection of Service: Demons and the Forces of Darkness
The theme of demons occupies a unique and often unsettling place in religious and mythological…
God’s Providence: Navigating Life’s Journey under the Guidance of the Divine
God’s providence explores God actively sustaining and governing the universe. His providence encompasses His continuous…
God’s Omniscience: Affirming the Boundless Knowledge of the Divine
Omniscience invites us to grapple with a God who knows all, possesses comprehensive understanding, and…
This World is My Home: The Hope of the New Earth
The theme of the new heavens and new earth offers a glimpse into the ultimate…
Theology 101
Theology 101 serves as an introduction to essential theological concepts. Through the incorporation of scriptural…